Sunday, March 28, 2010

i wonder...

today I have something special, don't really get the chance to talk about this kind of thing
well anyways to get to the point...
I went to Pets-mart and found something that caught my eye the second I walked by it.
I saw a normal spray bottle similar to a Windex bottle filled with a green liquid in which I
assumed was for cleaning a certain surface. I was in a pet store so obviously it was something that was non-toxic toward your house hold pets.
The picture shown above is what I saw walking by.
"Toilet Cleaner" is what I saw that made me think... 
"Oh it's for dogs who drink out of the toilet."
but if you take a closer took. 

You see that it not only has a picture of a dog to which I myself thought was enough 
but you see a picture of a little girl as well. Also as one of the perks of this cleaner it says that
it is "Pet & Kid Safe". So I thought "Do children really drink out of the toilet?"
Don't get me wrong babies and toddlers I wouldn't be surprised but a child shown in the 
ad i would think would be well aware that drinking from the toilet is unsanitary and 
is not a safe thing to do. 
This may just be my own opinion of the product, I may be thinking kind of like an 
ass-hole, but I also believe that this is a legitimate argument as well. 


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